The Rufous Owl Hi, I'm here today to tell you a little bit about our species. My female is feeding our young right now so I will be your host today.
Our foreheads, head, back and upper wings are a reddish-brown or rufous, where we get our name I guess. You humans are so clever that way. Our favorite kinds of food are flying foxes, herons, ducks, parrots, kookaburras, and occasionally crayfish. We will eat insects, if there's nothing else around but just like some of you humans who prefer steak to bologna we have our favorites too. I would prefer my female to tell you about our breeding habits but since she is busy at the moment I will try my best. We like to live in the rainforests, monsoon forest, and gullies next to woodlands in Northern Australia and New Guinea. Well time for me to fly and I do mean that literally. Bye for now.
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